Publishing Contests

In May 2008, a member of Book Publishers Northwest asked "Which contests make sense to enter? How much should I spend on contest entries? Are some contests more valuable than others to a publisher? Should we hold a contest?"

We sent these questions out to the PMA Affiliates group and received the following thoughtful responses. If you've had experiences good or bad with a publishing contest, let us know. E-mail your comments to

Contests Are Work - Another Viewpoint

When MAPA was active, we had book awards for at least 5 of the 10 years or so that we existed. The last two years we expanded the categories and made quite a bit of money, though the primary purpose of expanding the categories was to be fair to the publishers who entered. For example, every one of the early years when a single category included 2-color AND 4-color covers, the 4-color won every time. We (okay, I) frequently made two categories where one had been.

The judging location moved to different states within our 10-state region, and my recollection is that for some of the years our judging was done at large city libraries by librarians.

Chris Roerden
Expanded all-genre edition of DON'T MURDER YOUR MYSTERY
Agatha Award winner, Macavity & Anthony finalist
Workshops in your area?

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