Publishing Contests

In May 2008, a member of Book Publishers Northwest asked "Which contests make sense to enter? How much should I spend on contest entries? Are some contests more valuable than others to a publisher? Should we hold a contest?"

We sent these questions out to the PMA Affiliates group and received the following thoughtful responses. If you've had experiences good or bad with a publishing contest, let us know. E-mail your comments to

Too Many Awards?

Congratulations on your Teachers Choice Award, Toni! Teachers Choice Award is a legitimate, long-standing awards program sponsored by a respected organization that does not exist for the sole purpose of awarding awards. Not the problem!

I agree that too many awards and too many Award Winning stickers on book covers diminish the value of all such designations. I think this has already happened. When I don’t see "Award Winning" on a cover or in front of the author’s name, I cynically wonder why the publisher did not ‘buy’ into an award program since the lack of award-winning status is beginning to stand out.

Doris Baker
Publisher Filter Press, LLC
President, Colorado Independent Publishers Association

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